Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9 months!

I can't believe she is 9 months already! Where does the time go? She is such a sweet fun baby that is loved to pieces in our home! I love this stage and I want her to stay little FOREVER!
I took her to the doctor today so here are a few fun things......
* height......28 inches
*head circumference......17 1/4
*Weight.......18lbs. 14oz
*wears 12-18 month clothing
*she has 5 teeth
*crawls everywhere!
*pulls herself up and walks along the furniture
*says mama and dada....(she just babbles it..she's not actually referring to us!)
*has the brightest blue eyes
*has a huge smile
*HATES headbands in her hair
*loves to be outside
*loves her blanket on her face when she sleeps
*favorite toy has to be the dishwasher.....she loves to climb inside and then unload it all over the floor!
*drinks 4-6 bottles a day
*HATES babyfood....
*loves to eat everything that we eat! she loves otter pops and ice cream! (i know we are bad parents) if randy opens the freezer and gets out the carton of ice cream she's right there begging for some!
*still doesn't sleep through the night
*has NO SCHEDULE at all....naps when she wants and goes to bed at night when she wants!
*is loved by everyone!
We love you ellie and are so grateful you are in our family! Thank you so much for all the love and happiness you bring into our home and lives!