Oh happy day! I can't tell you how excited I am that we don't have a binkie baby anymore! Anney LOVES her binkie and I HATE the thing! Don't get me wrong, I love that it soothes her, I love that she falls asleep really easy with it and i love to hear her say...I want my binkie! But I hate that she wakes up 3 and 4 times a night because she looses it or what......
So last Friday she comes in our bed around 3 a.m. which she does often since she can climb out of her crib....and she has NO BINKIE! I thought...hmmm this should be interesting and since I was too dang lazy to get out of my warm bed to go get the binkie I just laid her next to me and she fell right asleep! I figured okay this is my clue, get rid of the binkie! I knew if I was going to get rid of it, it would be a week from heck but it would be worth it in the end.
She never asked for it all day and then when it came nap time she was ticked at me! In fact she has been ticked at me all weekend. She only wants Randy and the best is, he has had to deal with her crying at night for the binkie, etc. I lay in my warm bed laughing while he is up rocking and soothing her trying to get her to stop crying and go to sleep! Well fast forward 4 days and last night she slept through the night in her own bed. She went to sleep at 8 and woke up at 7 this morning! That is record for her, of course I kept waking up all night thinking I can't believe she hasn't woke up. She is so happy this morning so let's hope this is the beginning of sleeping better and a good nights rest for mom and dad!
Yay! Randy said she was mad at you! He laughed that you're the bad guy! I'll try that same thing so Glen will have to deal with her! I'll have to look for my opportunity or she'll be off to Kindy with it for sure! Good job Anney & good job parents!
Yeah!!! Happy Day!!! I am so happy I have only had one that was attached.....and that was more than I could handle!! Good job Anney you are such a big girl!
How exciting for you! I am glad you are done with Binkies! Wow, she is funny when she only wants Randy too!
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